Animal Agriculture Podcast
Animal agriculture is an ever changing industry. Science is driving rapid changes in how we feed and care for our animals. In order to keep up on the changing landscape, nutritionists and veterinarians are turning to new formats to get timely research in a quick and efficient manner. Nutra Blend’s Animal Agriculture podcasts offers this informative platform to keep you up to date on the latest research.
Animal Agriculture Podcast
Heifer Development
Nutra Blend
Season 2
Episode 31
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Diamond V's Dr. Gavin Staley to discuss how a dairy farmer knows when to breed virgin heifers. On many dairies the decision is entirely based on if the heifers look “big” enough, reach a certain age, or the pen is getting crowded and they need to move on. But the critical question should be when are they mature? Today we’ll talk about how breeding immature heifers has a profoundly negative impact on the entire herd’s future productivity. Join us for this week's episode of Nutra Blend's Animal Agriculture podcast!